The cost effective obituary.

Most of the world is online these days. So can your obituary — for far less.

Obituaries in the newspaper charge by the line. A modest obituary in Twin Cities start at $250. As they go up in length costs can sore upwards of $500. Check the paper for prices.

You can bypass the expense of an obituary all together by placing an obituary at or

These resources are free to use, with the option to donate.

There you can also write stories about your loved one’s life. You can create a permanent legacy. Legacy also has a guide for writing an obituary as well as artificial intelligence to make writing the obituary easy.

If you choose not to publish in the newspaper you can use texts and social media to announce your loved one’s death.

At Beloved Memorials, we can help you coordinate a memorial service for your loved one at half the cost of a traditional funeral arrangement. We can help you save money on cremation services, urns, and even find cost-saving alternatives to funeral homes. Book a call with us today to learn more about how we can help.


Buying an urn.


Skip the procession for a less expensive way to say goodbye.